Saving on Heating, Cooling Costs

A home needs to have a good HVAC system in place to be truly comfortable. You wouldn’t want it too warm nor too cold, but just right. However, getting that perfect temperature can be expensive; heating and cooling one’s home can cost nearly half of the home’s energy bill. However, this expense can be drastically cut down. Here are a few tips to start saving now:

  1. Buy a new air conditioner: AC units that are older than ten years are not as efficient as today’s models. It is better to get a new one; the savings it will provide will even things out.

  2. Look for ENERGY STAR® certified central air conditioners when buying: These have a higher seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) than standard models. The higher the SEER rating a model has, the more efficient it is.

  3. Another part of your home’s HVAC system that is affected by SEER ratings are heat pumps: Those that are qualified in the BGE Smart Energy Savers Program have higher SEER ratings and can be up to twenty percent more efficient than the basic models.

  4. Regular maintenance ensures that parts of your HVAC system are performing to their maximum ability. Always have a technician check your HVAC system before the start of the season, especially summer and winter when the system will see heavy usage.

An efficient HVAC system will save you money and will ensure your comfort throughout the harsh weathers of the season.

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