Journey of HVAC into the Modern Times

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) technologies have come a long way since ancient times. In fact, here’s a brief rundown of HVAC’s journey from 16th century laboratories to the modern home. Continue reading

What You Need to Know About Refrigerant

Perhaps you’re wondering how your air conditioning unit cools your home. The secret is in one particular substance called refrigerant, which is the same product used in refrigerators and freezers to keep temperatures low. In ACs, refrigerant is used to convert humid air into the dry cool air that makes indoor temperatures more pleasant and comfortable. Continue reading

Red Flags for Furnace Replacement

Some people will keep things they treasure for many years. It is fortunate that furnaces often hold little sentimental value as there will come a time when they will need to be replaced. Otherwise, issues spawned by their old age can cause bigger problems, including starting a fire.

One of the major indicators that a furnace needs to be replaced is when it is nearing the end of its service life. Traditional furnaces are expected to last for 18 to 20 years. Going beyond this can be dangerous, especially because furnaces manufactured 20 years ago may no longer be suitable for the electric fixtures of modern homes. Continue reading

Signs Your AC Needs Expert Repair

With summers getting hotter, you cannot afford to have a poorly performing air conditioning unit. Excessive heat can affect your and your family’s health and comfort, so you need to make sure you’re AC is in top shape to combat this. It will pay to learn about common repairs and the signals that indicate it is time to call an expert.

The first thing you should check is whether your AC is cooling your home enough. If you notice that you are not getting the same amount of cooling from your system as in previous years, check if the filter is already worn out or dirty. Replace an old, dirty filter with a new one and see if it makes a difference. If the temperature remains unchanged, then it’s time to call an expert to look at your system. Continue reading

Saving on Heating, Cooling Costs

A home needs to have a good HVAC system in place to be truly comfortable. You wouldn’t want it too warm nor too cold, but just right. However, getting that perfect temperature can be expensive; heating and cooling one’s home can cost nearly half of the home’s energy bill. However, this expense can be drastically cut down. Here are a few tips to start saving now: Continue reading

Tips on Choosing an A/C Repairman

Your air conditioner is a significant investment, and you want your investment to last you as long as possible. However, you have to be prepared for the time when its performance will slow down, and its efficiency will not be as tip-top as it used to be. One day, your unit will completely break down and it will be in need of repairs. You don’t know how to fix it, so your only option is to call a trusted service technician. But how do you pick out the right one? Continue reading

Tips on Getting the Most out of your AC

When it’s too hot outside, where else do you go but back to your room or to any familiar place with a well-functioning air conditioning system. Perhaps because AC units are heavily in use everywhere in the summer, people tend to take them for granted and forget to maintain them after the season is over—only to be reminded when the units sputter and show their shortcomings with a monthly power bill that’s blown out of proportion. If you want your equipment to work to its fullest efficiency, make sure your AC units are maintained regularly and properly. Continue reading

Some Heating and Cooling Practices to Save Costs

In the average American household, heating and cooling systems are responsible for about half of the total utility expenses. With the country’s energy resources continually depleting, saving on energy costs by making heating and cooling systems more efficient becomes an important practice for everyone. Here are some ways for you to apply that principle: Continue reading

Getting your Air Ducts Back in Shape

In an air conditioner, the ductwork is the main channel for directing all of the unit’s cool air. However, the events of the past few months may have put a considerable strain on your ductwork even if it has been used for heating, thus warranting immediate fixes. Here are some warning signs you should watch for if you’re running a central air conditioning system through the ducts: Continue reading