Signs Your AC Needs Expert Repair

With summers getting hotter, you cannot afford to have a poorly performing air conditioning unit. Excessive heat can affect your and your family’s health and comfort, so you need to make sure you’re AC is in top shape to combat this. It will pay to learn about common repairs and the signals that indicate it is time to call an expert.

The first thing you should check is whether your AC is cooling your home enough. If you notice that you are not getting the same amount of cooling from your system as in previous years, check if the filter is already worn out or dirty. Replace an old, dirty filter with a new one and see if it makes a difference. If the temperature remains unchanged, then it’s time to call an expert to look at your system. Continue reading

A Primer on Split-System A/C Units

Ductless, split-system air conditioners are set up similar to central air conditioners. The noisy compressor and condenser are normally located outside the home, while the quiet evaporator/fan unit is placed indoors. To link these outdoor and indoor units, a series of pipes runs between them, such as the refrigerant tubing, condensate drain, suction tubing and power cable.

Many establishments often go for this type of air conditioning system for several reasons, one of which is the lack of duct work. Although central air conditioning is also considered as a split system, a wall unit can only be connected by a small conduit, while the split-systems can be hung on a wall or suspended from the ceiling. The condenser unit of a split-system AC can also be positioned in an inconspicuous place, adding to aesthetics. Continue reading