Red Flags for Furnace Replacement

Some people will keep things they treasure for many years. It is fortunate that furnaces often hold little sentimental value as there will come a time when they will need to be replaced. Otherwise, issues spawned by their old age can cause bigger problems, including starting a fire.

One of the major indicators that a furnace needs to be replaced is when it is nearing the end of its service life. Traditional furnaces are expected to last for 18 to 20 years. Going beyond this can be dangerous, especially because furnaces manufactured 20 years ago may no longer be suitable for the electric fixtures of modern homes. Continue reading

Spring is a Good Time for Professional Furnace Repair in St. Louis

Spring would be a good time to check on the condition of your HVAC system, particularly after the hard work it had to perform in the last winter. Likewise, this would also be the right time to get any needed furnace repair by St. Louis HVAC professionals, when you can survive some downtime of your heating equipment.

An article in Yahoo!’s Voices also identifies maintenance steps you can perform now, to make sure your HVAC system functions optimally in winter. These include checking your furnace’s filters and vents and ensuring they are clean and free from clogging. Too much dirt and dust can cause your system to work harder to provide the heating you need, and thus lead to higher energy consumption, and consequently, higher utility bills. Additionally, when the furnace has to work harder than necessary, the chances of a breakdown goes up.